
Showing posts from August, 2019

The Point We MIss

I remember the day in 1997, in London. A much younger Tony Blair, fresh from the landslide that swept the decaying and useless government of John Major from power, walking along Downing Street shaking hands with supporters. The party that evening, where they played 'Things can only get better'. The country had finally lost patience with a dessicated and incompetent Tory government, empty of ideas and crippled, then as now, by xenophobia and nativistic hatreds of Europe; a government that knew it was all over and was begging to be euthanised. I won't even start to chart the story since then. How could I? There are plenty of books out there with titles like 'How did everything get so screwed?' or 'How this disaster unfolded'. I remember a few months after Blair took office, the Princess of Wales died in a horrific pile-up in Paris, and our new baby faced Prime Minister seemed to judge the national mood perfectly, whilst the Royals clung on to ritual and remo...