I was a trans child. I am not a "contested issue".

Another day, and now a move by a powerful British institution against transgender people. A piece of erasure so naked and stark that it barely seeks to conceal the prejudice contained within it. The BBC runs a service called Action Line - essentially a website to which it directs viewers and listeners who are dealing with particular problems, or who might be affected by the issues discussed in programming. It contains resources and links. Until a few days ago, it contained a section on gender identity, with links to three organisations which support trans people, including trans kids and their families. I have plenty of knowledge of two of them, Mermaids and GIRES . They are respected, respectable and caring organisations. I have known Susie Green, CEO of Mermaids, for years. I know Bernard and Terry Reed, who founded GIRES, and who were both given OBEs for their work. All three started working in this field years ago when trans people were pretty much entirely ignored or jus...