Some of us are barely holding on

It's relentless. If I sound like a broken record, sorry not sorry as they say. This is my life. And the life of many friends of mine. And, as another weekend rolls around, that means more public attacks on the transgender community. Fresh from the success of preventing the reform of The Gender Recognition Act, turning a public consultation into a fiasco at the end of which trans people were pathetically grateful that their rights hadn't actually been pushed back, the Usual Suspects are moving on. The next target, we suspect, is the repeal of The Gender Recognition Act. Some of us thought the bigger public health disaster for a century combined with a piece of voluntary economic self-harm unparalleled in modern history might give them something else to think about. They didn't miss a beat. At the weekend: a grotesque piece in The Mail on Sunday claiming teachers were now to be stopped from 'transing' children (something no teacher has EVER done) and a letter in ...