
Showing posts from May, 2021

The trans community must face this crisis and act.

The situation is serious. Here's how it happened and three things we must do urgently.  Barely a day goes by now without more pressure being heaped upon the trans community in the UK. As part of that community, I wake almost every day to another story in the newspapers misrepresenting people like me, framed by threat, fear and usually downright lies.  During my day, I'll likely come across some current court case in which hostile forces are working to have trans people's sketchy rights reduced and maybe read how the increasingly partisan British judiciary is more minded than ever to support that objective. Later, I might come across the latest bad news from, for example, the Equality and Human Rights Commission as it retreats into a new reactionary and anti-trans stance. Eventually, I'll go to bed with some shitshow from the United States. A couple of nights ago it was the news that the Governor of Tennessee had signed into law a new ruling that any business allowing t...

Judge throws out ludicrous TERF court case

In yesterday's What Fresh Hell Is This News, an attempt in court by a range of TERFs to try and get a Judicial Review into the Statutory Code that accompanies the Equality Act (issued by The Equality and Human Rights Commission) has failed. The aim was to try and legally allow businesses and other services to exclude transgender people on a blanket basis from single-sex facilities like changing rooms.  This was a preliminary hearing, and they needed to win it (ie establish that there was a case in law) to go forward to a full Judicial Review. The legal team behind the TERF campaign on this was the same one who worked so hard to remove puberty blocker treatments for trans kids in the Keira Bell vs. Tavistock Clinic case. Clearly, the Barrister in question hasn't just been Thinking Of The Children recently - he has it in for all trans people. How surprising, said no-one. The case got nowhere, thank God. The TERFs were told that their argument was "an obvious absurdity"...