Being Gender Critical means having to demean and insult trans people.
As we are about to hear again, 'Gender Critical' views are a legally 'protected' position. But those who have them must also voice them; it's axiomatic. Another week approaches and with it another court case in which the rights of individuals with cultural capital in society to hate a marginalised group will be aired in public. One side will no doubt reheat arguments about free speech, cancellation, all the rest - and the other will look on from the sidelines, objectified, anxious, feeling that existential threat again. On Monday the Gender Critical Traveling Circus making its way through the British judicial system is back, as Maya Forstater's case for unlawful discrimination returns to the Employment Tribunal to see if the non-renewal of her contract with an NGO was unlawful. She does this, having established in an appeal that her Gender Critical views are a 'protected characteristic' under The Equality Act 2010 (on the basis, pretty much, that such be...