The Brianna Ghey murder: Sentencing and the media circus.

With the trial now over and the killers sentenced, the media festival of sham-concern-for-money will soon move on. But, if you are cisgender, please don't bother to even express your sympathy unless you are prepared to speak and act against the torrent of hate descending on Britain's trans community. Because your sympathy means nothing. The Brianna Ghey murder trial today came to an end, with the sentencing of the two young people who brutally murdered her in a North of England park last year. Brianna Ghey was - for anyone outside the UK or who has been living in a dumpster for the last 12 months - a trans girl. And with this final chapter, the Money-Making Media Circus rolls on to its deeply monestisable, final chapter with the 'tv specials' and the ‘inside stories’ and the interviews and all the other things that have been embargoed till today. The killers' pictures are out there too, plus their names. It's an editor’s wet dream. After today, of course, read...