Endgame? Being trans and running out of hope.

I'm a trans woman living in Britain. I once hoped that my country might learn to treat us with acceptance, dignity and understanding. It feels now like I was wrong. As the hate has mounted I have watched much of the country turn away from us; many complacent, others frightened to engage, others joining a bandwagon of fear-based bigotry as they hurl social media or legal threats at us. It's all part of an accelerating project to eliminate us completely from society. The world of 2007 seems long gone now. There are of course the headline differences. The impending World Financial Crash was still just ahead of us, in Britain stimulating 14 years of brutal Tory rule. The disaster of the Arab Spring and the refugee crisis that wealthy Europe was to face had not yet happened, nor the catastrophe of Brexit with its self-inflicted, deranged, rightward lurch for a lost national meaning that never existed and its perma-platforming of hatred, bitter grievance and ethnonationalism under th...