I’m trans. This is the story of an extraordinary gift given me by my friend as Alzheimer’s took hold of him.

UPDATE JAN 12, 2025: Five days after I published this blog, my friend Jonathan, about whom I write, suddenly died. He was good man, and a loving and compassionate Dad with a powerful moral sense. My heart goes out to his family. He’ll be much missed. RIP buddy. You earned it. ****** I am a trans woman. This means that I have taken a journey in life that’s unlike the one travelled by many. The weight of being expected to carry, share and explain the story of my past in ways that satisfy the curiosity or calm the anxiety of those around me is something of which I am always conscious. But when a good friend developed Alzheimer’s, I unexpectedly felt free of that weight because he could no longer remember the past. It was an extraordinary, strange, gift made all the more so by seeing what he was going through, by sensing what was in store for him and by him being unaware that he was giving it to me. Alzheimer's Disease has surely got a strong claim to be one of the most he...