
Showing posts from February, 2025

Trans and British? Some advice - get a passport, or get it renewed. Do it now.

Is your UK passport in your lived gender due to expire in the next few years? Is it your only passport? You've seen what is happening in the US. Within the appalling witch-hunt now unfolding, all trans people who are attempting to get or renew a passport in their legal gender are now being refused one - either being given one in their birth assigned sex or (say some reports) sometimes not getting one at all. There is no sign of this happening in the UK - yet - but there are two scenarios in which it could, and if it did, it could happen very fast and with little warning. They are potentially related. 1. Trump's frenzy of hostility towards trans people in the United States and his clear, public aim of completely eliminating us has changed the game for trans people internationally. Authoritarian regimes are already cutting/pasting the language from his anti-trans Executive Orders (i.e. Kenya) whilst in the so-called Western democracies, haters of trans people are taking detailed ...