Dear cisgender people. Are you going to let them eliminate us?

What should we do, cisgender friends? I am part of a tiny group of people. No MPs. No Members of the House of Lords. No Judges. No Newspaper Editors. No CEOs. No Senior Civil Servants. No Senior TV Executives. No Heads of Banks. Read the article . Sheila Jeffreys has plenty of form, over decades. She has dedicated her entire adult life to erasing people like me completely. Her stance is very simple. I am a dangerous, male sexual predator. She and a few like her are becoming more and more influential. In a wider setting, like Trump (who was once a joke) did. Like Bannon or Miller, or Farage did. These people were once seen as fringe figures. But they cracked it. They worked out how to draw hate towards them like iron filings towards a magnet. How to use it. They took over the minds of an increasing number of people, as a parasite does, eating the organism from the inside. In fact, maybe ten years ago Jeffreys, and her attitudes, were seen as beyond the fringe. Five years ago they were ...